Full Committee Hearing

Minimizing Potential Threats from Iran: Administration Perspectives on Economic Sanctions and Other US Policy Options

Date:   Tuesday, October 6, 2009 Time:   09:30 AM

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The witnesses on Panel I will be: The Honorable Sam Brownback (R-KS), United States Senator; and The Honorable Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D-PA), United States Senator. The witnesses on Panel II will be: The Honorable James B. Steinberg, Deputy Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State; The Honorable Stuart A. Levey, Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, U.S. Department of the Treasury; and Mr. Daniel O. Hill, Acting Undersecretary for Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce.


Majority Statements

  1. Senator Charles E. Schumer
  2. Senator Christopher J. Dodd

Minority Statements

  1. Senator Richard C. Shelby

Witness Panel 1

  1. Honorable Sam Brownback, (R-KS)
    United States Senator
  2. Robert P. Casey

Witness Panel 2

  1. Mr. Daniel O. Hill
    Acting Undersecretary for Industry and Security
    U.S. Department of Commerce
  2. Honorable Stuart A. Levey
    Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
    U.S. Department of the Treasury
  3. Honorable James B. Steinberg
    Deputy Secretary of State
    U.S. Department of State