Subcommittee Hearing

Taking Account of Fees and Tactics Impacting Americans' Wallets

Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection Date:   Wednesday, July 26, 2023 Time:   09:30 AM Location:   Dirksen Senate Office Building 538

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COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN AFFAIR SUBCOMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND CONSUMER PROTECTION will meet in OPEN SESSION, HYBRID FORMAT to conduct a hearing on “Taking Account of Fees and Tactics Impacting Americans' Wallets.”  The witnesses will be: Ms. Michelle A. Henry, Attorney General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; Ms. Lindsey Siegel, Director of Housing Advocacy, Atlanta Legal Aid Society; and Mr. Brian Johnson, Manager Director, Patomak Global Partners.

All hearings are webcast live and will not be available until the hearing starts. Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service, including closed captioning service for webcast hearings, should contact the committee clerk at 202-224-7391 at least three business days in advance of the hearing date.


  1. Ms. Michelle A. Henry
    Attorney General
    Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  2. Ms. Lindsey Siegel
    Director of Housing Advocacy
    Atlanta Legal Aid Society
  3. Mr. Brian Johnson
    Manager Director
    Patomak Global Partners