Full Committee Hearing

Continuing Oversight on International Cooperation to Modernize Financial Regulation

Date:   Tuesday, July 20, 2010 Time:   10:00 AM

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The witnesses will be: The Honorable Lael Brainard, Under Secretary for International Affairs, US Department of the Treasury; The Honorable Kathleen L. Casey, Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Commission; and The Honorable Daniel Tarullo, Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service, including closed captioning service for webcast hearings, should contact the committee clerk at 202-224-7391 at least three business days in advance of the hearing date.


Witness Panel 1

  1. The Honorable Lael Brainard
    Under Secretary for International Affairs
    U.S. Department of Treasury
  2. The Honorable Daniel Tarullo
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  3. Ms. Kathleen L. Casey
    U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission