Full Committee Hearing

Sustainable Transportation Solutions: Investing in Transit to Meet 21st Century Challenges

Date:   Thursday, March 12, 2009 Time:   10:00 AM

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The witness on Panel I will be: The Honorable Ray LaHood, Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation. The witnesses on Panel II will be: The Honorable John Hickenlooper, Mayor of Denver, Colorado, representing the U.S. Conference of Mayors; Mr. Joseph Marie, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation, representing the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; and Dr. Beverly Scott, General Manager and CEO of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and Chair of the American Public Transportation Association.


Majority Statements

  1. Senator Jack Reed
  2. Senator Michael F. Bennet
  3. Senator Jon Tester

Witness Panel 1

  1. Honorable Ray LaHood
    U.S. Department of Transportation

Witness Panel 2

  1. Honorable John Hickenlooper
    Mayor of Denver, Colorado
    representing the U.S. Conference of Mayors
  2. Mr. Joseph Marie
    Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation
    representing the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
  3. Dr. Beverly Scott
    General Manager and CEO
    Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority