
Currently showing results in the 118th Congress. See all results.




EC508 A communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, a six-month periodic report on the national emergency that was declared in Executive Order 13692 with respect to Venezuela; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC510 A communication from the Senior Congressional Liaison, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled "Civil Penalty Inflation Adjustments" (12 CFR Part 1083) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on February 7, 2023; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC506 A communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, a six-month periodic report on the national emergency that was declared in Executive Order 13441 with respect to Lebanon; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC504 A communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, a six-month periodic report on the national emergency that was declared in Executive Order 14014 with respect to the situation in and in relation to Burma; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC511 A communication from the Senior Congressional Liaison, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled "Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) Adjustment to Asset-Size Exemption Threshold" (12 CFR Part 1026) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on February 7, 2023; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC501 A communication from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the continuation of the national emergency with respect to the widespread humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and the potential for a deepening economic collapse in Afghanistan that was declared in Executive Order 14064 of February 11, 2022; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC512 A communication from the Senior Congressional Liaison, Legislative Affairs, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled "Annual Performance Plan and Report, and Budget Overview (FY 2023)"; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC502 A communication from the President of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the continuation of the national emergency with respect to the situation in and in relation to Burma that was declared in Executive Order 14014 of February 10, 2021; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC505 A communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, a six-month periodic report on the national emergency that was declared in Executive Order 14064 with respect to the widespread humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and the potential for a deepening economic collapse in Afghanistan; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
EC503 A communication from the Deputy General Counsel for Operations, Department of Housing and Urban Development, transmitting, pursuant to law, two (2) reports relative to vacancies in the Department of Housing and Urban Development, received in the Office of the President of the Senate on February 7, 2023; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
S.554 HUD Inspection Reform and Capital Improvement Act of 2023
S.547 First Rhode Island Regiment Congressional Gold Medal Act
S.553 HUD Health and Safety Accountability Act of 2023
S.568 Harriet Tubman Tribute Act of 2023
S.539 Veterans Member Business Loan Act
S.544 A bill to amend the Federal Credit Union Act to provide a sunset for certain ways in which credit unions may be Agent members of the National Credit Union Administration Central Liquidity Facility.
S.577 Keep Children and Families Safe from Lead Hazards Act of 2023
S.581 Housing Accountability Act of 2023
S.579 Safe Temperature Act of 2023
S.583 FDIC Act of 2023
S.602 Risk Rating 2.0 Transparency Act
S.Res.89 A resolution recognizing the duty of the Senate to abandon Modern Monetary Theory and recognizing that the acceptance of Modern Monetary Theory would lead to higher deficits and higher inflation.
S.610 Credit Union Board Modernization Act
S.578 Liberty City Rising Act of 2023
S.601 Flood Insurance Affordability Act
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