Majority Press Releases

March 2018
Brown Closing Floor Speech On S.2155, The Dodd-Frank Roll Back Bill
Brown Floor Speech On Housing And S.2155, The Dodd-Frank Roll Back Bill
Brown Floor Speech On Foreign Banks And S.2155, The Dodd-Frank Roll Back BIll
Brown Floor Speech On S.2155 Substitute Amendment, The Dodd-Frank Roll Back Bill
Brown Opening Floor Speech Opposing S.2155, The Dodd-Frank Roll Back Bill
Brown Statement On CBO Score Of S.2155, The Dodd-Frank Roll Back Bill
Brown Opening Statement At Banking Committee Hearing On The Federal Reserve Semiannual Monetary Report To Congress
February 2018
What Wall Street Reform Leaders Are Saying About S.2155, the Dodd-Frank Roll Back Bill
Brown Floor Speech on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Brown Leads Letter Demanding Answers On CFPB Plan To Strip Office Of Fair Lending
Brown:President's Budget Defunds Consumer Bureau
Brown Says Consumer Bureau Must Protect Working People, Not Banks And Payday Lenders
Brown Opening Statement At Banking Committee Hearing On Virtual Currencies
Brown Says Mulvaney Refusal To Investigate Equifax Breach Is Malpractice
January 2018
Brown, Cardin Lead 20 Democrats in Letter to Tillerson: Lack of Trump Administration’s Mandatory Russia Sanctions Impositions is Unacceptable
Brown Applauds Courts Decision To Uphold CFPB's Independence
Brown Opening Statement At Banking Committee Hearing On The Financial Stability Oversight Council
Brown Opening Statement At Banking Committee Hearing On CFIUS, Part II
Brown Opening Statement At Banking Committee Hearing On Nominations To The Federal Reserve, FDIC and FSOC
Brown Statement on CFPB Decision to Reconsider Payday Lending Rule
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