Majority Press Releases

June 2017
Brown Statement on Trump's Nominee for Key Wall Street Watchdog
Brown Statement at Hearing on CEA, HUD Nominees
May 2017
Brown Renews Request for Treasury to Assess Trump's Global Business Contacts
Brown Statement at Committee Vote on Treasury, Commerce Nominees
Brown Opening Statement at Treasury Secretary Mnuchin's First Banking Committee Hearing
Brown, Wyden Ask GAO to Examine Oversight of Foreign Investors in U.S. Real Estate
Brown Statement on GOP Leader McConnell's Call to Gut Wall Street Reform
Brown Opening Statement at Hearing on Treasury, Commerce Nominees
Brown Statement at Housing Finance Hearing
Brown Opening Statement at Hearing on National Flood Insurance Program
Brown Blasts Trump's Decision to Remove Top Wall Street Watchdog
Brown Takes Senate Floor to Oppose SEC Nominee Clayton
Brown Statement on House Bill to Dismantle Wall Street Reform
Brown Opening Statement at Hearing on U.S.-EU Covered Agreement on Insurance Rules
Brown Statement on Supreme Court Ruling Miami's Predatory Lending Case Against Wells Fargo, Bank of America
April 2017
Brown Opening Statement at Hearing on Russia Sanctions
Brown Statement on CFPB Action Against Ohio Auto Lender Over Debt Collection Tactics
Brown Statement on Wells Fargo's Board of Directors
Brown Slams Trump Plans to Undermine Key Wall Street Reforms
Brown Statement on CFPB Action Against Ocwen Financial for Failing Homeowners
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