Majority Press Releases

January 2016
Brown Commends Extension of Exam Cycles for Small Banks
Brown Praises Defeat of Bid to Undermine the Federal Reserve's Independence and Inject Politics into Monetary Policy
Brown: Partisan Stalling on Export-Import Bank Board Threatens U.S. Jobs
October 2015
Top Committee Democrats Oppose Bid to Gut Wall Street Reform Via Funding Bills
Brown Opening Statement at Markup of Bill to End Crude Oil Export Ban
September 2015
Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee's Hearing on FDIC, Treasury Nominations
Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee's Hearing on Treasury Nominee for Counterterrorism Post
August 2015
Brown Applauds SEC Approval of CEO Pay-Ratio Disclosure
Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee's Hearing on the Implications of Sanctions Relief Under the Iran Agreement
July 2015
Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee's Hearing on Lifting the Crude Oil Export Ban
Brown Restores Millions for Transit Funding in Transportation Bill
Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee's Hearing on U.S. Bank Holding Companies
Brown Statement on Nomination of Kathryn M. Dominguez to Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
In Advance of Tomorrow's Five Year Anniversary, Brown Applauds Enactment of Wall Street Reform
Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee's Hearing on Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to Congress
Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Hearing on CFPB Semi-Annual Report to Congress
Sen. Brown Opening Statement at Banking Committee's Hearing on the Financial Stability Board
June 2015
Brown Statement on Expiration of Export-Import Bank's Charter
Brown Statement on Supreme Court Ruling to Uphold Protections Against Housing Discrimination
Brown Applauds Treasury's Move to Feature a Woman on New $10 Bill
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