October 04, 2021

Brown Statement on the Pandora Papers

Today, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, released the following statement on the newly released Pandora Papers.

“The revelations in the massive Pandora Papers leaks reveal once again the extraordinary lengths to which billionaires, oligarchs, kleptocrats, and other bad actors will go to hide their wealth, evade taxes and accountability, and launder dirty money,” said Brown. “It’s why I worked with my Republican colleagues to enact historic reforms of U.S. corporate transparency and anti-money laundering laws last year. And it's why Treasury must implement those laws swiftly and completely, and continue to press to end offshore tax havens. I’ll continue to fight these gross abuses of our legal and tax system, which enable criminals and fuel global inequality by allowing wealthy elites to avoid paying their fair share while working families are forced to make up the difference.”
