June 15, 2010


Washington, DC – Today, Chairman Frank and Chairman Dodd announced that the House-Senate Conference will meet on Wednesday, June 16, at 11 a.m. to consider the following titles:
Wednesday, June 16
·                     Title 9, subtitles A, B, F, H, I and J of base text: Investor protection/regulatory improvements
·                     Title 9, subtitles E and G of base text: Executive compensation/corporate governance
·                     Title 11 of base text: Fed audit and governance, and emergency liquidity provisions
The following is a tentative schedule of issues to be considered on Thursday, June 17, and next week. Updates will be sent out as changes to the schedule occur:
Thursday, June 17 (Conference will meet at 11 a.m.)
·                     Titles 1, 2 and 8: Systemic risk regulation, resolution authority, payments/clearing/settlement
Week 2 (The week of June 21)
·                     Consumer Protection Agency, CFPA/CFPB
·                     Predatory lending
·                     Interchange
·                     Remittances
·                     Access issues
·                     Prudential regulation
·                     Derivatives; miscellaneous        
As previously announced, tomorrow’s Conference schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, June 15
The House-Senate Conference will meet on Tuesday, June 15, at 11 a.m. to consider the following titles:
·           Title 3 of base text: OTS/OCC merger; thrift charter
·           Title 5 of base text: Insurance
·           Title 4 of base text: Private Funds
·           Title 9, subtitle C of base text: credit rating agencies