Majority Press Releases

July 2021
Brown Presses CFPB to Address Risks to Consumers from Fintechs Like Chime
Brown: Cryptocurrencies Put Americans’ Hard-earned Money at Risk
Brown, Carper: Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation Must Include Strong Transit Investments
Chairman Menendez Delivers Opening Remarks at Senate Banking Subcommittee Hearing on Future Pandemic Risk
Brown’s Remarks at Subcommittee Hearing: “Examining Frameworks to Address Future Pandemic Risk”
Chair Tina Smith Leads Senate Hearing on Fire Safety, Home Health Risks Including Lead and Radon
Brown Applauds Interagency Work on New Community Reinvestment Act Rule
Brown: As Climate Change Fuels Disasters, We Must Shore Up Our Nation’s Infrastructure
Brown Statement on the Nomination of Judith Pryor to Be First Vice President of the Export-import Bank (EXIM)
Brown Statement on the Nomination of Graham Steele to Be Assistant Secretary of Financial Institutions at Treasury
Brown Applauds FHFA Action to Lower Refinancing Costs for Homeowners
Brown to Fed Chair Powell: Workers – Not Wall Street – Should Benefit From the Economic Growth They’ve Made Possible
Brown Chairs Hearing for Two Key Biden Administration Nominees
June 2021
President Signs Van Hollen, Brown Legislation to Strike Down Trump-era “Rent-A-Bank” Rule
Brown Applauds CFPB Action to Protect Homeowners From Foreclosure
House Passes Van Hollen, Brown Legislation to Strike Down Trump-era “Rent-A-Bank” Rule, Sending It to the President’s Desk
Brown Applauds Biden Administration Steps to Root Out Housing Discrimination
Brown, Warren Urge CFPB to Protect Homeowners Exiting COVID-19 Related Forbearance
Brown Applauds Eviction Moratorium Extension
Brown: We Must Address Our Country’s Housing Crisis
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