Majority Press Releases

August 2022
Brown Applauds FHFA for Requiring Mortgage Lenders and Servicers to Transfer Fair Lending Data
Brown, Colleagues Applaud CRA Proposed Rule, Push for More Support for Underserved Communities
Brown Continues Push on Private Equity Firms' Involvement in the Insurance Industry
Brown and Reed Urge Greater Transparency in the Private Fund Market
Brown, Colleagues Call Out US Bank For Opening Fake Accounts
Brown: Climate Change is Here, We Must Act Now
Brown Calls Out Big Investors and Private Equity Companies For Harming Renters and Communities
July 2022
Brown Presses Apple And Google On Protections Against Crypto App Fraud
Brown: Crypto Risks And Scams Put Americans' Money At Risk
Brown: Working Families Must Not Be Crushed in Our Fight Against Inflation
Brown, Colleagues Reintroduce Legislation to Fight Discrimination from Financial Institutions
Brown: Too Many Americans Are Priced Out of the Housing Market
Brown: Export Controls Are Crucial to Weaken Russia
Brown Applauds Herrnstadt Confirmation to EXIM
Brown, Colleagues Urge Stronger Fed Ethics Rules
Brown Urges Support For Michael Barr Ahead of Confirmation Votes
Brown: Transit is All About the Dignity of Work
June 2022
Brown Blasts the Supreme Court’s Decision in West Virginia v. EPA
Brown Statement on Wall Street Stress Test
Brown Holds NFIP Reauthorization Hearing With FEMA
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