Minority Press Releases

May 2022
Toomey Opposes Gordon for FHA
Toomey: Fed Nominee Lisa Cook Unqualified to Fight Inflation
Toomey: FSOC Must Focus on Real Risks, Not Political Issues
Toomey Voices Concerns Over Proposed Community Reinvestment Act Rule
Toomey: Canceling Student Debt is ‘a Slap in the Face’ to Hard-working Taxpayers
April 2022
Toomey Opposes Brainard for Fed Vice Chair
Toomey: Under Chopra, CFPB is More Out of Control Than Ever Before
Toomey Statement on Michael Barr for VC for Supervision
Toomey on EXIM’s Domestic Finance Initiative: This is Worse Than Mission Creep
Toomey, Scott Seek Information About Allegations of Racial Discrimination at FDIC Under Acting Chairman Gruenberg
Toomey: SEC Should Avoid Regulating Money Market Funds Out of Existence
Toomey Calls on Minneapolis Fed President to Stop Lobbying on Taxpayer’s Dime
Toomey: We Must Maintain America’s Number One Position as the Leader in Capital Markets
Toomey Praises Nomination of Mark Uyeda for SEC Commissioner
Toomey Announces Legislation to Create Responsible Regulatory Framework for Stablecoins
Toomey Opening Statement at CFIUS, Mint Nomination Hearing
Banking Republicans Roll Out Capital Formation Legislation to Mark 10th Anniversary of JOBS Act
March 2022
Toomey: Misguided Government Policy Is Making Housing Unaffordable
Toomey Opposes Pryor for EXIM Vice President
ICYMI: George Will Highlights EXIM Mission Creep in New Washington Post Column
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