Minority Press Releases

August 2021
Toomey: Who Knows How Much Innovation We’re Going to Stifle
Toomey, Warner, Lummis, Sinema, Portman Announce Agreement on Digital Asset Reporting Requirements in Infrastructure Bill
Toomey Statement on the SEC’s Approval of NASDAQ’s Board Diversity Requirements
Toomey Insists on Senate Vote on Digital Asset Amendment
Toomey Questions HUD Nominees’ Temperament, Experience, and Fitness to Serve
Toomey, Wyden, Lummis Amendment Would Clarify Digital Asset Reporting Requirements
Banking Republicans Call on President Biden to Withdraw Anti-Police Nominees
Toomey: Financial Regulators Should Increase Competition, Promote Innovation, and Improve Efficiency
Toomey on Cryptocurrency Tax in Infrastructure Package: Text is Unworkable
July 2021
Toomey Seeks Answers From White House on Reports of Senior Career Staff at CFPB Being Pushed Out of Agency
Toomey: Imposing 36% Interest Rate Cap on All Consumers Would Harm Access to Credit
Banking Republicans Oppose Treasury Nominees Over Nord Stream II AG
Toomey: Lawmakers Should Work to Better Understand Potential Uses of Cryptocurrencies
Toomey Meets with Masih Alinejad, Iranian-American Dissident Journalist and Target of Tehran’s Kidnapping Plot
Toomey: Murky Global Warming Data Does Not Justify Higher Prices for Consumers
Toomey: Inflation is Here, and It’s More Severe Than Expected
Banking Republicans Slam CFPB Nominee Chopra Ahead of Senate Confirmation Vote
Toomey Opening Statement During Commerce, HUD Nomination Hearing
Toomey and Johnson Raise Concerns Over Asset Managers Prioritizing ESG Objectives Over Federal Employees’ Retirement Savings
June 2021
Toomey Blasts Regional Fed Banks for Refusing to Comply with Congressional Request
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