Minority Press Releases

September 2022
Toomey Statement on Biden Administration Releasing $3.5 B of Afghan Bank Reserves
Toomey: The Best Form of Consumer Protection is a Robust and Competitive Market
Republican Senators to Chopra: Stop Abusing Your Power to Advance Liberal Policy Preferences
Toomey Calls for Greater Transparency Concerning Community Reinvestment Act Agreements
Toomey: Insurers Should Stick to the Business of Insurance
August 2022
Whistleblower Reports Say FDIC Headquarters Improperly Stifling Crypto Business for Banks
Banking Republicans Blast the Fed After New Reports Indicate It Withheld Documents from Congress
Toomey: Democrats’ Reckless Tax-and-Spending Spree Pours Fuel on the Inflation Fire
Toomey Files Amendments to Democrats’ Reckless Tax-and-Spending Bill
Toomey: The Last Thing American Families Need Are Reckless Policies That Raise Energy Costs
Toomey, Warner, Lummis, Sinema, Portman Drop Legislation to Address Digital Asset Reporting Requirements in Infrastructure Bill
Toomey: Housing Costs Will Escalate With Democrats’ Reckless Tax-and-Spending Bill
July 2022
Toomey: SEC’s Regulation-by-Enforcement Approach Harmed Consumers
Toomey: Gensler’s Refusal to Give Crypto Regulatory Clarity Hurt Consumers
Toomey and Sinema Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Simplify Use of Digital Assets for Everyday Purchases
Banking Republicans Criticize Gensler for Stonewalling Congressional Inquiry Into SEC’s Proposed Climate Rule
Toomey: Bad Policies and Reckless Spending Have Fueled Soaring Housing Costs
Toomey: Current Outbound Investment Screening Ideas Could Impede U.S. National Security and Severely Harm the U.S.
Toomey Congratulates Michael Barr on Confirmation as Fed Vice Chair for Supervision
Toomey: Congress Shouldn’t Be Throwing Billions of Federal Taxpayer Dollars to Expand Transit as Ridership Continues to Decline
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