Minority Press Releases

June 2022
Toomey, Scott, Tillis, Lummis Blast Kansas City Fed for Again Stonewalling Congress on Master Account Process
Toomey Says Flood Insurance Reauthorization Should Protect Taxpayers From Losses
Toomey: Congress Should Reform NFIP to Protect Taxpayers
Banking Republicans Request SEC Records on Proposed Climate Disclosure Rule
Banking Republicans Call on HUD to Immediately Reinstate Work Requirement Study for Taxpayer-Funded Housing
Toomey: The INDEX Act Will Return Voting Power to a Company’s True Investors
Toomey Statement on Confirmation of Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Nominees
Toomey Opposes Todd Harper for NCUA
Toomey Supports Barr for Fed, Uyeda and Lizárraga for SEC
Toomey Intends to Support Michael Barr for Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision
May 2022
Toomey Opposes Thompson for FHFA
ICYMI: Toomey Discusses the U.S. Economic Outlook During World Economic Forum Panel
ICYMI: Toomey Says Fed Must Stay Course Despite Recession Risk
Toomey: Mark Uyeda Will Faithfully Carry Out the SEC’s Mission
Toomey to Barr: Keeping Financial Regulation Apolitical and Independent is as Important Now as Ever
Toomey Statement on President Biden Invoking DPA to Address Baby Formula Shortage
Toomey, Sullivan Introduce Bill to Return Corporate Voting Power to Shareholders
Toomey: We Shouldn’t Be Pushing Costly Green New Deal Mandates While Families are Struggling to Fill Up Their Gas Tanks
Toomey on Biden Administration’s Housing Plan: “A Plan in Name Only”
Toomey Congratulates Fed Chairman Powell on His Confirmation
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