Minority Press Releases

May 2021
Toomey Expands Review of Woke Mission Creep by Regional Federal Reserve Banks
Toomey Statement on Biden’s “Green” Finance Executive Order
Toomey: Bipartisan Agreement on Real Physical Infrastructure Package is Possible
Toomey and Van Hollen Statement on Treasury’s Hong Kong Sanctions Report
Toomey: National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorization Must Continue Progress Towards Fiscal Sustainability
Republican Banking Committee Launches New Whistleblower Resource
Banking Committee Republicans Urge President Biden to Withhold Sanctions Relief From Iran
Toomey: Misguided Attempts to Overturn True Lender Will Hurt Americans’ Access to Credit
Toomey: We Can’t Continue Throwing Money at Federal Agencies Without Oversight and Reforms
Toomey Demands HUD Follow the Law on Down Payment Assistance to Homebuyers
April 2021
Toomey: We Can Preserve the Dignity of Work by Allowing Free Enterprise to Flourish
Toomey: Repealing True Lender Risks Stifling Innovation, Cutting Off Credit to Consumers
Toomey: Green New Deal Policies Destroying Jobs, Raising Energy Prices
Toomey, GOP Banking Members Demand Kerry, Biden Administration Stop Trying to De-Bank Energy Companies
Toomey: Biden Admin’s Job-Killing Energy Policies Harming America’s Rural Communities
Toomey Statement on New Russia Sanctions
Toomey Calls for Transit Reform Over More Federal Spending
Toomey Seeks Briefing on Biden Admin Plans to Protect Sensitive U.S. Technologies
Toomey Opposes Gary Gensler for SEC
Toomey: Government is Not the Solution to Housing in America
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