Minority Press Releases

May 2018
Banking Committee Advances CFIUS Legislation
Crapo Statement on House Passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act (S. 2155)
Crapo Statement at Markup of the “Foreign Investment Risk Review Act of 2017”
Crapo Statement at Federal Reserve Nomination Hearing
Banking Committee Releases Discussion Draft on CFIUS Reform
April 2018
Crapo Statement at Federal Reserve Oversight Hearing
Chairman Crapo on the CFPB Auto Lending CRA
Crapo Statement at Nominations Hearing
Crapo Statement at CFPB Hearing
March 2018
Crapo Statement at HUD Oversight Hearing
Relief for Main Street
Senate Passes Crapo’s Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act
Crapo: Regulatory Burden Directly Impacts Our States
Crapo Speaks on Senate Floor about Bipartisan Regulatory Relief Package
Small Financial Institutions Across the Country Support S. 2155
Crapo, Hensarling File Amicus Brief in Support of CFPB Acting Director Mulvaney
February 2018
Crapo Statement at Hearing on Virtual Currency
January 2018
Crapo Statement at Hearing on FSOC Annual Report
Crapo Encourages Colleagues to Support Powell Nomination
Crapo Statement at Nominations Hearing
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