Minority Press Releases

May 2015
MYTH VS. REALITY: "The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015"
Shelby Releases Discussion Draft of “The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015”
April 2015
Shelby Opening Statement at Hearing on the State of the Insurance Industry and Insurance Regulation
Shelby Opening Statement at Hearing on Surface Transportation Reauthorization
Shelby Opening Statement at Hearing on Surface Transportation Reauthorization
Shelby Opening Statement at Hearing on Regulatory Burdens to Obtaining Mortgage Credit
Shelby Announces Upcoming Banking Committee Schedule
March 2015
Shelby Statement at Hearing on FSOC Accountability
Shelby Opening Remarks at Hearing on Examining the Regulatory Regime for Regional Banks
Shelby Statement at Hearing on Examining the Regulatory Regime for Regional Banks
Shelby Statement at Hearing on Federal Reserve Accountability and Reform
February 2015
Shelby Statement at Hearing on the Semiannual Monetary Policy Report
Shelby Announces March Banking Committee Schedule
Shelby Opening Remarks at Hearing on Regulatory Relief for Community Banks and Credit Unions
Shelby Statement at Hearing on Regulatory Relief for Community Banks and Credit Unions
January 2015
Banking Committee Approves Iran Sanctions Bill
Shelby Statement at Iran Sanctions Markup
Shelby Statement at Iran Sanctions Hearing
Shelby Announces Banking Subcommittees for 114th Congress
December 2014
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