Minority Press Releases

October 2021
Toomey Raises Concerns Over HUD Nominees
Toomey on Senate Floor: I’ve Never Seen a More ‘Radical’ Regulatory Nominee Than Saule Omarova
Toomey Calls on Omarova to Turn Over Her Moscow State Thesis on Marxism
Toomey: Lifting Sanctions on Taliban Would Be a Grave Mistake
September 2021
Toomey: Chopra Would Return CFPB to Lawless, Overreaching, Highly Politicized Agency
Toomey to SEC: Don’t Restrict Investor Freedom Under the Guise of Investor Protection
Toomey to Nominees: EX-IM Should Not Be Lender of First Resort
Toomey Urges Biden Administration to Preserve Taxpayer Protections Against Fannie and Freddie Bailouts
Toomey Opening Statement at Hearing with Secretary Yellen, Chair Powell
Toomey Presses Gensler for Regulatory Clarity on Cryptocurrencies
Toomey: I Have Serious Reservations About OCC Nominee
Toomey Calls on Democrats to Uphold President Biden’s Agreement Not to ‘Double-Dip’ on Transit Spending
Toomey Opening Statement at Hearing for Commerce, Treasury Nominees
Toomey Statement on Admin Rolling Back Taxpayer Protections Against Fannie, Freddie Losses
Toomey: Gensler’s Agenda Does Not Appropriately Reflect the Mission of the SEC
Toomey, Cruz Call on President Biden to Follow the Law and Sanction Russian Pipeline
Toomey Slams Democrat Attempts to Limit Stock Buybacks
Banking Republicans Demand Transparent Process on Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Spending Spree
August 2021
Toomey Requests Feedback on Clarifying Laws Around Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technologies
Toomey Launches Effort to Overturn Biden Administration’s Illegal Eviction Moratorium
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