Minority Press Releases

April 2016
Shelby Statement at Hearing on Consumer Finance Regulations
March 2016
Shelby Delivers Speech at American Bankers Association Summit
Shelby Opening Remarks at Hearing on U.S. Mint, SEC Nominations
Shelby Statement on Banking Committee Vote on Mr. Adam J. Szubin’s Nomination
Senate Chairmen: Consumer Bureau Response to Broken Retirement Tool “Inadequate and Unresponsive”
February 2016
Shelby Statement at Hearing on the Fed’s Semiannual Monetary Policy Report
December 2015
Senate Chairmen: Consumer Protection Bureau Retirement Calculator Broken
November 2015
Shelby: “Independence and Accountability Are Not Mutually Exclusive Concepts”
October 2015
Shelby Delivers Speech on “The Trouble with Dodd-Frank” at Harvard Law School
Shelby Opening Remarks at American Crude Oil Export Equality Act Mark Up
September 2015
Shelby Presses Treasury Secretary, Fed Chair, & SEC Chair on FSB Influence, Transparency
Shelby Opening Remarks at Nominations Hearing
Shelby Opening Remarks on the Nomination of Mr. Adam J. Szubin
August 2015
Shelby Statement on the Implications of Sanctions Relief under the Iran Agreement
July 2015
Shelby Statement at Hearing on Lifting the Crude Oil Export Ban
Shelby Statement on Measuring the Systemic Importance of U.S. Bank Holding Companies
Shelby Delivers Speech at The Heritage Foundation
Shelby Statement at Hearing on the Fed’s Semiannual Monetary Policy Report
Shelby Opening Statement on the CFPB’s Semi-Annual Report to Congress
Shelby Opening Statement on the Role of the FSB in the U.S. Regulatory Framework
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