Minority Press Releases

June 2021
Toomey and Van Hollen Urge Pres. Biden to Hold CCP Accountable for Apple Daily Shutdown
Toomey Statement on Biden Admin. Proposal to Reinstate Obama-Era Disparate Impact Rule
Toomey: Massive Expansion of the Housing Welfare State Won’t Support Families
Toomey Statement on Pres. Biden Removing FHFA Director Calabria
Toomey to Treasury Nominees: We Need Strong Leaders Willing to Push Back on Biden Policies That Undermine U.S. National Security
Toomey Seeks Answers on Reports of Senior Career Staff at CFPB Being Pushed Out of Agency
Economists to the Federal Reserve: Stop Weakening the Fed’s Credibility and Undermining its Independence by Exceeding Monetary and Regulatory Mandates
Toomey: Let’s Use NFIP Reauthorization as an Opportunity to Move it in the Right Direction
Toomey: More Wasteful Government Spending is Not What Our Economy Needs
Toomey and Crapo Call on Commerce Dept. to Release Series of Reports Justifying Use of National Security Tariffs
Banking Committee Republicans to the SEC: Reject New Global Warming Disclosures
Toomey Raises Concern Over Burdensome Cryptocurrency Regulations
Toomey Demands Biden Admin. Turn Over Documents on Iran Nuclear Agreement Reentry
Toomey Demands Biden Nominees Turn Over Deleted Tweets
Toomey: Congress Should Encourage Continued Development of Private Digital Currencies
Toomey Statement on SEC Firing PCAOB Chairman
May 2021
Toomey to Twitter: Turn Over Biden Nominees’ Deleted Tweets
Toomey: Big Banks’ Embrace of ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ Undermines Economic Growth and Prosperity
Toomey: We Must Preserve the Credibility and Independence of the Federal Reserve
ICYMI: Washington Examiner Editorial Board: We don’t need a woke Fed
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